1-Day Intensive Polishing Training | BigFoot Academy

23sep9:00 am4:00 pm1-Day Intensive Polishing Training | BigFoot Academy$400 Per Student (CLICK TO LEARN ABOUT EARLY BIRD PRICING)

Event Details

EARLY BIRD PRICE: Registration before 9/2/21 is $300 per student
REGULAR CLASS FEE: Registration after 9/2/21 is $400 per student

A one-day, intensive, no-nonsense, training designed to help technicians get the peak polishing performance out of BigFoot random orbital polishing systems. In our years of supporting professional detailers, bodyshop technicians, and other professionals who polish daily, we’ve learned that while most users are getting deliverable results out of the system, they haven’t unlocked its full potential. In this course, you’ll work with our team of trainers to understand the dynamics of surface correction and how to adjust variables to deliver optimal performance, improved results, and do so more efficiently! This class will focus entirely on our flagship polishing system, BigFoot random orbital, for use in sanding and high-quality, efficient, surface correction.

IMPORTANT! Students must have a basic understanding of paint correction and have some experience in the use of a machine polisher. If you do not yet own a polisher, or have never used a polisher of any kind before this class is not a fit for you. There will be a very limited amount of introductory-level review included in this course. This class is appropriate for professional technicians or enthusiasts looking to improve their paint correction processes.




  • Machine spot sanding for isolated defect removal
  • Proper application of the BigFoot Random Orbital System
  • Diagnosing paint types and defects
  • Paint polishing dynamics
  • Paint correction variables and adjustments
  • Maximizing efficiency and results
  • Edgework efficiency




HEALTH AND SAFETY – UPDATE! As of September 3rd at 5pm local time the Boulder County Health Department has mandated masks for all public indoor spaces. As such students who attend training at the BigFoot Academy must wear a face-covering during the training regardless of vaccination status. Students will be expected to make reasonable efforts to maintain social distance for the duration of the training and communicate to the RUPES team if they develop any COVID-like symptoms leading up to, during, or after the training.

TRAVEL & LODGING – The class fee does not include hotel or airfare. All students traveling by air should book flights to arrive at Denver International Airport which is approximately 40 minutes from the RUPES facility. Rental car, cab, or rideshare will be required. RUPES provides access to our corporate rate at the nearby Omni Interlocken Resort, and there are several hotel options nearby.

FOOD – RUPES will supply coffee and snacks in the morning, beverages throughout the class, and lunch. We encourage students to connect with each other and coordinate group dinners to strengthen their professional network and exchange ideas.

TRAINING FOCUS – classes at the BigFoot Detailing Academy are technically focused and do not include business management, marketing, or operational coaching. 100% of the training is spent on the technical applications of sanding and polishing procedures.

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